Notes on Testing and Class Participation

Everyone (children and adults) is invited to train with us at Walker TaeKwonDo Academy. For children, less than 6 years old, please see us to determine the best course for the child. A $30 per month per family costs is requested to attend our classes and receive training at our Lansing location. The costs in support of this program may be made to Walker Bible Baptist Church (specify for TaeKwonDo ministry). For beginning students, traditional TaeKwonDo uniforms are not required.

Our TaeKwonDo training is aimed at the total person; mind, body and spirit. We are members of the United States Chung Do Kwon Association. The US Chung Do Kwon association, founded by Senior Grand Master Edward B. Sell, is the oldest United States based TaeKwonDo organization. The motto of the US Chung Do Kwon Association is “To give strength to the weak, confidence to the timid and spiritual guidance to those who seek after God.”

Many martial arts schools confer rank on students with no regulation or uniformity of requirements. Walker TaeKwonDo Academy confers rank in accordance with the rules and regulations of the United Stated Chung Do Kwon Association. This assures our students that the rank has meaning beyond our own school and will be recognized at other US Chung Do Kwon schools. All promotions will be recorded through the US Chung Do Kwon Association and rank certificates from the USCDKA will be issued. These certificates confirm the students rank by a prestigious and world-renowned TaeKwonDo organization. These credentials have lasting value, and some costs are required. All listed cost go entirely to support the US organization as our source of credentials and authenticity (no costs go to Walker TaeKwonDo Academy or to Walker Bible Baptist Church).