Requirements for Students wishing to Advance in Rank

Prior to testing for yellow belt (or above) the student must become a member of the US Chung Do Kwon Association. Membership fee is currently $40 per year.  USCDKA Student Membership, or visit US Chung Do Kwan Association.

Testing Cost

  • Testing costs for all belt ranks is $30.  This includes USCDKA certification of rank and new belt.
  • Upon entering the student ranks a student will be required to ware a traditional TaeKwonDo uniform.
  • Student belt ranks must display self-control and integrity during class.  Students not demonstrating self-control will not be allowed to test for higher rank
  • Advance belt ranks must demonstrate spiritual growth and devotion to God.  Students not demonstrating spiritual growth and devotion to God will not be allowed to test for higher rank.
  • Students testing for Black Belt are required to interview with and elder or other church representative concerning their Christian faith.  A satisfactory examination is required before a Black Belt will be awarded.
  • Exceptions to these guidelines may be made on a case-by-case basis by the Pastor in consideration of extenuating circumstances.